Minister of Higher Education Emphasizes:
- We aim to expand international cooperation in the fields of agriculture, water, and clean energy.
- The importance of cooperation between Egypt and the Netherlands at the university, research, and industrial levels.
- The Egyptian Knowledge Bank is a presidential initiative that has contributed to strengthening scientific research in Egypt.
- Collaboration with Elsevier has helped improve the ranking of Egyptian universities.
- 47 Egyptian universities are among the top 1200 universities worldwide.
- Improving the ranking of Egyptian universities reflects the quality of higher education and scientific research in Egypt.
Scientific Research Consultant at (Elsevier) in Egypt and Africa Confirms:
- Egypt has surpassed all African countries in scientific production since 2020.
- Over 200,000 research papers have been published by Egyptian researchers in the past five years.
- Citations of Egyptian research are 38% higher than the global average.
Dr. Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, attended a dialogue session entitled “International Cooperation and its Impact on Knowledge Economy Development,” in the presence of Ambassador Peter Mollema, Dutch Ambassador to Cairo, Dr. Yasser Rifaat, Deputy Minister for Research Affairs, and university presidents.
In his speech, the Minister expressed gratitude to the Dutch Ambassador for hosting the session and highlighted the long-standing partnership between Egypt and the Netherlands. He underscored the importance of collaboration in higher education and scientific research, expressing happiness for participating in the session and acknowledging the efforts of all parties involved in organizing it.
Dr. Ayman Ashour reaffirmed the ministry’s commitment, within the framework of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research 2030, to expand international cooperation, especially in the fields of agriculture, water, and clean energy. He emphasized the importance of benefiting from the Netherlands’ expertise in these vital areas and the need to strengthen collaboration between universities, research centers, and industrial entities in both Egypt and the Netherlands.
The Minister emphasized the leading role played by Elsevier at the international level in higher education and scientific research and the institution’s commitment to supporting Egypt’s partnerships with leading international organizations.
Ambassador Peter Mollema of the Netherlands praised the depth of cooperation between his country and Egypt in various fields, particularly in scientific, educational, and research areas.
He described the Netherlands as a leading country in supporting scientific research at the international level and emphasized the significant growth in cooperation between Dutch and Egyptian researchers, affirming Egypt’s leadership in scientific research in Africa in terms of research production efficiency.
Dr. Mohammed Raed, an Elsevier consultant, stated that Egypt has witnessed a significant increase in the number of published research papers since 2016, surpassing all other African countries in scientific production since 2020. He also highlighted Egypt’s superior quality and impact of citations, as well as the extensive collaboration between Egyptian and Dutch researchers.
تم تقديم خطة الوزير التعاون مع هولندا بمجالات الزراعة والمياه والطاقة النظيفة واشار الى مبادرة بنك المعرفة المصري الذى ساهم فى تعزيز البحث العلمي وارتقاء تصنيف الجامعات المصرية.واكد استشاري البحث العلمي ان مصر تتجاوز الدول الإفريقية في انتاجها العلمي وتم استشهاد ابحاث المصريين بنسبة عالية واكد على ان مصر تتفوق على مستوى الإنتاج البحثي والاستشهادات على المتوسط العالمي بنسبة 38%.